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Random Recordings
of Mental Meanderings

Sunday the 28th of April 2024 10:45:05 PM

June 14, 2006

Stumble It!“My” Time . . . maybe

Filed under: Pnilosophy — Eric Ptak @ 7:22 am

Yesterday, I finally got the books and materials for the Toastmasters club at work. While on my way home from the gym, I wanted to look the materials over. That’s one of the reasons that I take public transportation: I can read, sleep, reconstitute myself, listen to a specific CD or radio program, etc. without being interrupted.

Unfortunately, the one bus driver for one route likes to just yammer on. He’s a talker, and when he’d driving his route, he talks and talks and talks . . . and I can’t catch a nap, I can’t read, or do anything else. It wouldn’t normally be that difficult to avoid talking to a driver, but at that time of night, on that route, there’s no one else but me on the bus, and he just assumed I wanted to talk one day, and hasn’t shut up since.

So, I took a different series of buses and train home yesterday. Initially, it was nice. I was breezing through the material, thinking and fantasizing about the different speeches I will give, and where I would like to go and do with it. That is, until, my neighbor got on the bus, after having a couple of beers with some girl he’s been trying to see. He went on and on and on and on . . . and I never got finished reading the material on the train/bus. I treid finishing it up at home, but it was too late, and I was dead tired. I still am tired.

That’s one thing I have never been able to figure out, is why people do that. Just because they know you, they think you want to talk to them, at any time. They see you doing work, or sleeping, or whatever, and it’s “Hey, dude! Wht’s going on? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah-blah blah.” It’s kind of rude, I think.

It’s like at work, I’ll be on the phone with a customer, and someone will walk by my desk and start talking to me. You can’t see that I’m on the phone? It’s fucking aggravating as hell. I mean, if I have to speak with a colleague, and they are in conversation, or apparently in the middle of doing something, I’ll wait, or slip them a note, or send an email, if it takes too long. I call it courtesy. Give people what you want them to give you.

So I’m tired, ranting, and I didn’t get done what I wanted to. It’s a new day. I’ll get over it.

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