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Tuesday the 07th of May 2024 10:11:21 AM

May 27, 2006

Stumble It!An Inconvenient Truth

Filed under: Environment — Eric Ptak @ 10:56 pm

I heard about the Al Gore movie a while ago. Today, I was listening to Left, Right and Center; they were talking about it. It looks like it will be a really difficult film to watch. Unfortunately, most people will not watch it. Even fewer people will pay attention to the message.

That’s sad, because we’ve really fucked up the environment. From what I see, and what I’ve seen, it may already be too late. There’s too much CO2 pumped into the atmosphere, and not enough trees to clean it all out. There’s too much litter and pollution everywhere. too much garbage, not enough products made that are able to be recycled and re-used.

I remember the ecology movements of the 1970′s. I remember having to do a project/think piece in seventh grade in which we had to put an idea on paper about conservation/ecology. I came up with a car that was solar powered, and aerodynamic to save energy. There were actually more than several ideas.

Then came the Reagan years, and we basically threw all that energy, those ideas about conservation away. Cars got bigger again. Disposable products became more popular. Packaging became less eco-friendly. Gluttony became the norm, the standard to be achieved.

Now, we are suffering from the decisions made during those years. The suffering will only get worse as time goes on, unless we do something to change it. The question is, what will you do?

Will you continue to buy cans and bottles of soda, rather than water? Will you buy cans and bottles that will be tossed away, or drink from re-fillable containers? Will you buy a car that uses less gasoline, or take public transportation to and from work? Will you be more energy conscious, not wasting electricity, hot water, and energy in your household? Will you recycle as much as you can? Will you shy away from using products that cannot be recycled? Will you contact politicians and voice your opinion to them to pass legislation that will works toward more ecologically sound policies? Will you work at planting more trees, halting the destruction of the rainforests, and the destruction of habitat uninhabited by humans?

Or will you, like so many others, decide not to worry about it, let someone else worry about it, become fat, dumb and happy and ignoring the fact the the world will become uninhabitable by humans within 100 years?

That’s a question only you can answer. What will you do?

1 Comment »

  1. That’s the company that is codennsriig manufacturing electric cars here in Portland.I have asked them to make cars partly because we would be likely to buy these vehicles that will get us off foreign oil.Foreign oil is so yesterday. Please contact and make the case that they should build electric cars in Oregon.Who better to make the case that they should come here but other business?? Roland,

    Comment by Rukhsana — December 9, 2015 @ 12:30 am

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