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Random Recordings
of Mental Meanderings

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November 8, 2004

Stumble It!Vacation Plans

Filed under: Random Recordings of Mental Meanderings — Eric Ptak @ 9:25 am

I’ve got a week off for vacation. It’s a nice thing. While I’d like to go away for a bit and get out of town, I have some stuff to take care of here before I can do anything like that.

First, I have to clean my desk, re-organize my officespace, and get rid of all the junk mail that’s stacked up. I don’t know if it’s terribly effective, but I like replying to every piece of junk mail that I get. I used to shred the credit card and loan applications and mail them back. My thinking was since they have already paid for the return postage, why not get full use of it? I thought it would send a message. But the applications kept coming and I had to do something different. The last time I did a mass mailing, there was about 35 applications for one company, 15 for two others, 10 from another company, and several companies 5 and less. I wrote in big letters on the of the applications for credit



I stuffed them into their respective envelopes. I didn’t cut out or black out any bar codes or other forrms of ID. I wanted them to know who was sending them their applications back. Those that didn’t have postage, I put the mailing address as the return address. I dropped them all into a blue box while on my way to work. I did feel a pang of regret, because some poor sap got a ton of stuff he did not want to see thrown on his desk. Or maybe it was some chick processing them. Ether way, it might have pushed them over the edge and made them quit. One of the hazards of life, I guess.

It was a while before I received another credit card application, and in the last six months, I’ve received as much junk mail as I had in the prior three months, so it did seem to work.

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