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June 7, 2006

Stumble It!The Gay Marraige Debate

Filed under: Politics — Eric Ptak @ 8:07 am

Yesterday, all I heard about on the radio, the talk shows, the news, etc was the debate about gay marraige. Not for nothig, but this is the most pressing issue we need to be talking about, defining marraige Constitutionally as a “union between a man and a woman”? This is the most important problem this country has?

This debate happened in the Senate on the same day that the 9/11 Commission gave its annual report. What did they give? Apparently, they were disappointed because there is no grade worse than an “F” because if there were, they’d award it. THat’s pathetic. And this is a president and a congress that are supposed to have protecting the country as their #1 priority?

What a joke.

1 Comment »

  1. The biggest joke is the whole “constitutional amendment” thing!

    Even BIGGER is the whole “Marriage certificate” thing!

    WHY the hell does ANYONE have to ‘ask’ the “government” for a “marriage certificate” ?
    Whatever the hell happened to “right to unlimited contract” and “property rights” ???

    Why do people assume that “oh well! It isn’t such a big deal anyhow” and let the governmetn in? To dictate as it pleases and thus we are thrust with BS issues such as “gay marriage” ???

    I don’t want government mandating FOR or AGAINST any kind of “relationship” between adult human beings — PERIOD. Why can’t we treat adults as adults and let them live their lives?

    Comment by Roy — November 18, 2006 @ 4:26 am

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