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Giving Blood Again

Posted By Eric Ptak On April 1, 2006 @ 7:34 pm In Health | No Comments

I gave blood [1] again today [2]. At this rate, I’ll give 6 pints this year. That’s a cool goal to have, like a lady friend of mine told me. She said she couldn’t, and not because of medical reasons. It’s because she is afraid of needles. Isn’t it silly all the excuses people make up? There should never be any kind of blood shortage, but people for one reason or another choose not to. One guy I used to work with gave once, and when he didn’t sign up again for another donation, they started calling him, and he got pissed about it. He went off on them, and said that he would never donate again. I thought it was silly, but what can I say? I just go every 8 weeks or so, and just do it. And I know that I am helping people, so that’s cool.

I don’t know about the guy that took my blood today. It took him twice as long to prep me as it did to take the pint from my arm. He was being a little too persnickety and detailed. I’ve never has someone take so long putting iodine on my arm. He made it a point to say, “Legally, I have to do this” and “Legally, I have to tell you this”. It was really kind of annoying after a while. And everyone else was going really slow, too. I think they were all worried about the labor contract which ran out yesterday. Tonight they have a meeting at the union hall to get information on whether or not there will be a strike. It’s sad that people have to worry about that rather than do their jobs.

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URL to article: http://www.ericptak.com/blog/?p=203

URLs in this post:

[1] I gave blood: http://www.ericptak.com/blog/?p=118

[2] again today: http://www.ericptak.com/blog/?p=169