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Some thoughts to start my day

Posted By Eric Ptak On November 1, 2005 @ 9:06 am In Health | No Comments

Last night was a lame workout. I was running on the treadmill, and my ankles started hurting. Not my ankles per se, but just above them in my shins, all the way around my legs. It wasn’t shin-splints, but it hurt enough that I had to cut down my run. And when I was working out my upper body (usually done on Mon-Wed-Fri) I didn’t do as much as I try to do. Mayhaps that’s because I didn’t do upper body last Friday, and I was on the weak side. Like I said, lame. Tonite, I will try to run again, and kill my abs. They haven’t been coming along as well as I would like, and it seems will take a while to get the six-pack, and eliminate the pitchers. Longer than I wanted them to.

Then again, if I hadn’t killed my knee and was able to work out all summer, I’d be better now. That’s just an excuse. The knee that is. I used it to waste my summer partying. It was dumb, and I’m paying for it now.So I have to redouble my efforts to get to where I want to be, and double my efforts, because I am not where I should be right now.

I have a lot of shit to do at work, too. It’s going to be a busy week. I have a couple of important meetings this week, and I have to prepare for having next week off. I cannot wait.I just wish I were going somewhere interesting, or that I was going to meet someone interesting. Maybe I still will.

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