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Erection Day

Posted By Eric Ptak On November 2, 2004 @ 8:08 am In Politics | No Comments

Today’s Election Day. I hope alot of people vote. One of the most distressing things about the USA is that people do not vote in large numbers. This is the best country in the world, and a simple 5 minute procedure is ignored by so many.

I like Australia’s idea: you get fined if you do not vote. I realize that it’s a bit drastic, but hey, it would force more participation. They should also make it a national holiday, so more people can vote.

Personally, I voted for Kerry, for a number of reasons. I really dislike Bush, his people, his supporters, and his policies. This country is in such bad shape because of him. The economy sucks, and I know this from talking to people from around the country at work. The country is not well-liked around the world, and I know this from reading newspapers from around the world. It’s a result of Bush and his policies. Not to mention the fact that he avoided Viet Nam.

In the end, though, Kerry sucks less. I could go on about this topic, but it’s been beaten to death over the last six months.

Just get out and vote.

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