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The First

Posted By Eric Ptak On November 1, 2004 @ 8:22 am In Random Recordings of Mental Meanderings | No Comments

I lead a pretty simple life. Monday thru Friday, I get up at 7am, check my email, and the family messageboard I host. I might IM some people, or play euchre on Yahoo!, or I might surf the web for things to amuse me. At about 9, I leave for work. I get to work at about 10:45. I get done working around 7:30pm. Then it’s time for a few beers, and homeward bound. I’ll work out for an hour, or surf the net, and drop off at about midnight.

Saturdays are usually spent doing work around the house: laundry, cooking lunches for the week, cleaning. After that’s all done, I usually goof on the net. I don’t really watch TV.

Sundays are spent watching the Bills’ game. I get up early to listen to Weekend Edition on NPR, then the pregame show on the radio. I’ll listen to the radio announcers and watch the game on TV with the volume turned down.

And that’s about it. Pretty exciting.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

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