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Lazy Day

Posted By Eric Ptak On April 23, 2005 @ 11:46 pm In Economics,Health,Politics,Sports | No Comments

I just spent the last 3 hours replying to conservatives posting their idiotic beliefs on the web. I don’t know why I bother, except that I’m afraid that if they get total control like they want, they are going to screw this world up so bad it isn’t funny. I could go on forever about their economic policies, their politics, their belief systems, and how wrong they are; how totalitarian the conservative elites are.

This morning, I had my eyes examined. My left eye is weaker than it was the last time I had them checked. But the new glasses I am getting should be good. The earpieces will not cut into the sides of my face like the ones I have now do. They will have the lenses that change color in sunlight, and they will have an anti-reflective coating which should be really cool. I hate bright lights reflecting in my glasses. Bright lights bother me period. For part of the exam, my doctor was shining this really bright light into my eyes. That was positively painful. She had to hold my eyelids open so she could do the exam. I felt bad, but I absolutely could not keep my eyes open and looking where she wanted.

The 2005 NFL Draft started today, and I really didn’t pay attention. I don’t usually, anyway, as half of the guys drafted won’t even be on the team in six months. I follow the Bills off and on until it gets close to preseason, and then I really start following them. By the time the season hits, I am fully immersed in waht I need to know for the season. And then I make sure I watch or listen to every game. I am, after all, a Bills fan.

I was thinking today about having a total of three blogs set up for my site: this one, which is basically a diary. One for serious writing, it will address political, economic, health and social issues, among other things; written in ling form, and not a freeform-train-of-thought-type writing. Lastly, one in which I would publish fictional pieces. I like the idea of setting it up that way, bedcause it neatly categorizes the three basic types of writing I want to do.

Now, all I have to do is figure out how to make money off of this thing. Maybe I should pursue some sort of e-bay business. I would have to make the time for it, which I don’t have a lot of right now. Or maybe I could archive my serious and fictional writings, and charge to access the archives. There’s a possibility. It’d be nice if it generated enough money where I didn’t have to work for anyone else andymore :)

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