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New Translation Plugin

Posted By Eric Ptak On March 4, 2009 @ 6:57 pm In Random Recordings of Mental Meanderings | No Comments

So I get an email telling me that my site has been crashing a server. It seems that the culprit was a bad script somewhere on my page. It had gotten so bad that my site was temporarily down for a while. That kind of sucked.

I went through all the upgrades, analyzed the scripts I have on the site, and could not figure it out. Then I checked out the translator that I was using. And therein lie the problem. The person who crreated it had gone to a pay-only version, stopped supporting the free version and at somepoint simply discontinued even providing it. So for all intents and purposes, this script I was using was a piece of shit.

So I disabled it, deleted the plugin, and eliminated the code. Now I just finished finding a new translator, and installed it. It seems to work well, and that is a good thing.

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