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Pain In the Ass

Posted By Eric Ptak On January 31, 2009 @ 9:50 pm In Random Recordings of Mental Meanderings | No Comments

About a year and a half ago, I joined facebook. I did it not for any real reason, I just did it because it’s there. I realized quickly that is is little more than myspace crossed with match.com so I pretty much didn’t do anything with it again.

Now, about two weeks ago, a friend told me that he found my facebook page and friended me. Mind you, I hadn’t looked at the damn thing since January of LAST YEAR. Quite honestly, I just don’t have the time to muck around with a facebook page, on top of everything else I have going on.

So last weekend, I sign in, and there’s like 10 people who friended me. So I’m like, what the Jesus, something I really don’t care about is likely going to be taking up some of my time. But it didn’t seem like a huge deal, so I friended everyone, and left it at that.

Today, I’m checking my junk email address, and there’s someone else who friended me. I go back on, and I see that someone sent me a message. I’m thinking it’s one of those generic “welcome to facebook” messages that are about as useful as a balloon in a box of tacks. Boy, was I wrong.

It was from an ex from seven years ago. “Now on here are we” was the message.

I haven’t spoken to her in . . quite literally, years . . . and I really don’t care to.

One would think that she could take a hint.

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