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Software Upgrades

Posted By Eric Ptak On January 29, 2007 @ 12:13 am In Science and Technology | No Comments

Man, I hate software upgrades.

First, you gotta download everything.

Then you have to add in all your code alterations, and skin changes.

Then you have to make sure all the widgets and add-ons are compatible with the new software.

If not, you have to download new versions, re-write the code yourself, or find something that does what you want, written by someone else.

Then you have to back up all your databases, and all the files.

Then, you have to delete all the old files, except the important configuration files.

Next, it’s upload the new files.

Run the upgrade script, and if all went right, it’s all good.

That is, of course, if your browser doesn’t keep crashing on you, like mine did.

And your FTP program doesn’t stall over and over and OVER again . . .

And scripts don’t work like they’re supposed to.

But it’s all done, now. And it’s working fine. Actually, it’s working better than it was, which is really cool.

So it wasn’t a complete waste of a weekend.

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