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To Digg, or not to Digg? That is the Question.

Posted By Eric Ptak On January 15, 2007 @ 10:06 am In Economics | No Comments

Last night, I was checking my weekly stats for the website, just to see what was happening. I noticed that there was a HUGE spike (to the tune of hundreds of people an hour) in visitors last night to one page. At first, I thought, hey, that’s cool. So I looked at seeing about doing the Digg thing on my site.

In my research to figure out how to do it, I discovered that while it can drive a lot of traffic, it can also kill a lot of bandwidth. So I checked, and in the course of two hours approximately 2% of my monthly allocation of bandwidth was used. I also noticed that in that time, not one person clicked on an ad. Which is a much lower clickthrough rate and effective clicks per minute on my ads than normal.

It’d be one thing if x of those hundreds of people clicked on some ads, but no one did. No one made it worth MY while. So I’m thinking, what’s the point of driving that much traffic to my site if no one will make me any additional money?

Don’t expect me to be digging anytime soon.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

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