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The End

Posted By Eric Ptak On November 13, 2006 @ 8:59 am In Random Recordings of Mental Meanderings | No Comments

This is my firat day back to work after my annual vacation. I feel very rested. What did I do? I vacated from everyone and everything. I just needed time off to deal with “me’ things. I have to say that I did get a lot done around here. I worked on sme projects that needed to be finished, and some that needed to be started. I ate some really good food, and did a lot of thinking about life and what I wanted to do over the next year. I celebrated the Democratic victory in the elections, and a few more Sabres wins, and a close Bills loss to one of the best teams in the league this year.

But how it’s back to work, and the daily grind. I’m thinking that I should take another week off soon.

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