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Webnoodle.com – Welcome to my brain

Posted By Eric Ptak On November 11, 2006 @ 3:34 pm In Fun Stuff | No Comments

I was cleaning some crap off of my hard drive when I happened onto a poicture sent to me from Webnoodle.com [1]. The site is a collection of original pictures,

This guy is warped. Apparently, his name is Alan Francis and he likes playing with pictures, and is pretty good at making humorous animations. He’s got a picuture of Ozzy Osbourne with the eyes, nose and mouth of Fozzy Bear pasted on, called Fozzy Osbourne. There’s a scene from a courtroom with a judge asking Michael Jackson how he pleads, and Jocko turns into what looks to me like George Bush, a la Total Recall. There’s a picture of an inmate in a psychiatric ward, ith a walnut for a head, cat eyes and a gaping mouth pasted onto it. This one’s appropriately called “Meanwhile down at the local nuthouse…”

You can readily see the influences of Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam in the artwork. As I said, he is warped, but it’s worth the time to browse through a few pictures.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

URL to article: http://www.ericptak.com/blog/?p=356

URLs in this post:

[1] Webnoodle.com: http://webnoodle.com/