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The Abramoff Connection

Posted By Eric Ptak On September 29, 2006 @ 7:33 am In Politics | 1 Comment

There’s the report yesterday on ABC News that stated a Republican committee in Congress disputed the number of times Abramoff was in the Bush White House. The Bushies claimed when the scandal erupted that Abramoff had only been in the White House some 4 times. The Secret Service issued records supporting this claim.

The House committee stated he was in the White House some 485 times. How do you not recollect that many visits? That’s a far different number than 4 times. How do forget a guy that visits you 481 times, and bus many gifts for your staff?

It’s simple: the White House lied.


As is their pattern.

What will they do next? This is as predictable as anything else they do. They will produce evidence that Abramoff tried or actually visited the White House when Clinton was in, and say, “See? Clinton did it!” and magically try to make it seem alreight.

There’s one problem with that. I’m sure he tried visiting, maybe on several occasions. However, I’ll bet he was tossed out on his ass, along with whatever bribes he tried to get to the Clinton administration.

I’m sure the Bushies and FAUX News analystswill conveniently forget that detail.

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