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First Speech

Posted By Eric Ptak On August 18, 2006 @ 8:05 am In Fun Stuff | No Comments

THe other day, I committed to giving my first speech for the Toastmasters group at work. One option is to talk about cooking, and the importance it has had throughout my life. I could talk about my websites, and the 20+ years of experience I have playing with computers. Another option is to poll my family to get their opinions on what I should talk about. Then there’s politics. Economics. Astronomy. Exercise. The Marine Corps. Music.

There are so many things I can talk about it isn’t funny. I have to choose a topic, and go from there. Write a 5 minute speech. It shouldn’t be that bad once I get going.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

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