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My Goodness

Posted By Eric Ptak On August 4, 2006 @ 8:08 am In Politics | No Comments

I thought it was great that Hilary Clinton and John McCain were laying into Don Rumsfeld yesterday. “Pop-a-Mole” is what McCain called what we are doing in Iraq. It’s about damn time, though, that some Washington power-weilder stood up and seriously criticized this administration and their policies.

I’ve been against this war from the start, and everything I’ve predicted has come true. Now, if I, just an average citizen, could see 4 years ago that invading Iraq would cause a civil war to erupt there, why couldn’t the administration?

That’s because they are stupid. Not that I’m the smartest guy in the world, but they are ess tee double oh pee eye dee.

All I can do is rebuke those that put Bush in office, and double rebuke those that kept him in for the second go-around. Shame on you all.

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