- Random Recordings - http://www.ericptak.com/blog -


Posted By Eric Ptak On July 28, 2006 @ 8:08 am In Paranoid Ramblings | No Comments

I don’t know what it is, but there’s been a lot of SPAM lately. Not just the crap you get in the email; that never seems to change. However, with my website, I’ve been getting a lot of comments added to posts that are SPAM. People posting links to Viagra, Cialis, porn, etc. It’s annoying, because I have to go in and get rid of the shit. Then, I also had to remove the shoutbox off of the email and forward archive [1] because some moron was spamming it. Thankfully, the software I use is good about controlling it, but still, it’s a pain in the ass to have to go in and take care of it.

I mean, quite honestly folks, if I wanted that shit posted on my site, I’d be advertising it myself. After all, this is supposed to make ME money, not some person who has a bot that trolls the internet looking for places to post their garbage.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

URL to article: http://www.ericptak.com/blog/?p=310

URLs in this post:

[1] the email and forward archive: http://www.ericptak.com/emails-and-forwards/