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Press Leaks and Bank Transactions

Posted By Eric Ptak On July 3, 2006 @ 8:11 am In Politics | No Comments

All weekend long, the talkies were going on abut the stories in the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other newspapers “revealing” the government tracking of financial transactions. I’ll admit, when I first heard about it, I thought it was going to be another one of those phone monitoring scandals, where the Administration first said it was only terrorists who were being monitored, then it was anyone talking to terrorists on the phone, then it was all phone records being monitored. Imagine . . . the Busies able to look at all your financial transactions on a whim. Makes you feel all warm, fuzzy and safe inside, doesn’t it, that someone can monitor your finances without you knowing it?

Anyway, the so-called terrorists have known for a very long time, since right after 9/11, that theri financial transactions would be monitored. Duh . . . no-brainer. But all the conservatives were complaining because now that it was published in the press as a leading story, the cover was blown.

Um . . . everyone knew about it already . . . ?

These morons need something to do with their lives.

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