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JP Morgan Chase Corprate Challenge

Posted By Eric Ptak On June 8, 2006 @ 3:32 pm In Health | 1 Comment

Today I will be running in the 26th annual JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge in Buffalo [1]. I hope to do better than I did last year, which would mean not injuring my right knee. That put me out for about 6 weeks, which killed my summer and set me back in my goals for getting in shape last year.

This year should be a better run, at least from the weather standpoint. It’s much cooler and less humid than it was last year. At race time, it was about 90 degrees, and with the high humidity, it was almost unbearable to be outside. Just standing around caused you to break out in a heavy sweat. During the race, firemen and people were spraying water on people to help them cool off. I appreciate the gesture, but not only was I hot and sweaty, but I was soaking wet from head to toe, which made running that much more difficult.

I also have been training differently this year. Last year, I was primarily getting cardio from using elliptical machines, which did nothing to prepare me for the impact I would feel in my feet and knees. So this year, I have been alternating between running, elliptical, and riding the stationary bike. I’ve also been doing cardio for over an hour or so each day, in an effort to get my wind up. I should do better, and I anticipate finishing in between 25 and 30 minutes. I don’t consider that good – when I was in the USMC, I could run 3 miles in 19 minutes, which translates to 22:10 or so for a 3.5 mile race. But considering the shape that I’m in, a 27 minute run would be good, and I’ll be happy if I finish in less than a half-hour.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

URL to article: http://www.ericptak.com/blog/?p=271

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[1] 26th annual JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge in Buffalo: http://www.jpmorganchasecc.com/events.php?city_id=7