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Posted By Eric Ptak On May 24, 2006 @ 8:09 am In Health | No Comments

I’ve been running alot at the gym, lately. I’m getting ready to do the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge again, and I hope to do better than I did last year. I’m approaching the training differently, in order to achieve that goal.

Every day, I do cardio for 60-75 minutes. One day I’ll run, the next day I’ll get on the stationary bike, then I’ll go on the elliptical machine, then I’ll run, etc. etc. In this manner, I am not tiring my leg muscles out by overusing them in only one way, and getting the cardio that I need. Also, by running, I’m allowing my knees to get used to the impact that I know that I will feel when I run the race.

Last year, all I did was go on the elliptical machines. While I was getting a good cardio workout (I would accelerate to 260-275 steps per minute), I was not getting used to any kind of impact at all, and it was only certain parts of my legs that were really getting worked out. Is it any wonder that I was injured in last year’s race?

The other reason that I am switching off is because earlier this year, I had fractured a bone in my foot, and by running every day, I exacerbated the condition, to where I was in a brace for six weeks. Not exactly my idea of fun, especially since I couldn’t run, bike, or do any stairmaster or elliptical workouts. By swiching up, I am not stressing out different parts of my body from overuse.

Last year, I finished in over 40 minutes. This year, I intend to finish between 25 and 30 minutes. Will I do it? only time will tell.

Article printed from Random Recordings: http://www.ericptak.com/blog

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