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Moving Day

Posted By Eric Ptak On May 1, 2006 @ 8:05 am In Pnilosophy | No Comments

Yesterday was a petty long day. I was up way too early, and had to go help a friend move across town. It went a lot faster than we expected, and we were done well in time to watch the Sabres beat Philly. We figured we would have barely enough time to move and go to watch the game, but as it turned out we had time to have a couple of beers and play a couple of rounds of cards before the game started. It’s nice, being organized. It also helps when you have more than several people show up to help. Many hands make light work.I’m a little sore in my arms, and my legs are tired from going up stairs all day, but thankfully, since I’ve been working out, I’m not as sore as I might have been.

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