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The First Night

Posted By Eric Ptak On April 17, 2006 @ 8:37 am In Fun Stuff | No Comments

M___ came by Saturday night. She needed to borrow the use of my computer and do some studying. I didn’t care, I had things that I could do. Of course, when you are getting to know someone, “other things” go by the wayside.

She had a bit of a cough that was residual from a cold. It wasn’t doing anything to help her get work done. M___ tried taking a nap, and I heard her coughing, and of course, tried to help her. I can’t stand by and not tend to someone whom I perceive is ill. It doesn’t matter that there was a Sabres game on that I was listening to, I had to try, at least to give her aid and comfort. We wound up talking, hanging out, etc. all evening.

It’s good to know that there are females out there who can carry on a conversation about something other than the latest show on TV or Cosmo. We talked about calculus, physics, spirituality, politics, and life in general. It’s an incredible turn-on for me to have a woman explain to me how she learns a new subject, how she visualizes concepts, and how she fits new concepts into material that she already knows. I like the fact that every time we meet, I gain a new respect for her.

I woke up rather early, like I always do on Sundays, while M___ slept on. I watched her sleep, and she was apparently dreaming. Her arms and legs twitched occasionally, and kept changing her facial expressions. Even while sleeping, she’s very attractive.

While I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to get done Saturday and Sunday, and today and tomorrow are going to be rather cramped trying to get everything completed, it was time well spent. It is going to suck trying to get everything done, but I can’t let it bother me. I can’t go back and change things, and I wouldn’t go back and change this weekend for the world. I’m thinking it’s going to be a nice summer.

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