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Wal-Mart BanKorp

Posted By Eric Ptak On April 10, 2006 @ 8:08 am In Economics | No Comments

Now, here’s a frightening story I just heard about. Wal-Mart wants to getinto banking now. That’s all we need. I can just see it, all banks being encouraged to transfer their operations to sweatshops in China. Not that I’m anti-Chineze or xenophobic in any way, but a retail company has no business being in banking services. It just wants to “process payments”. Sure. Then, it will want to hold mortgages. Provide car loans.

Then, Wal-mart will want to get into utilities. Education. Entertainment.

Imagine it: eventually you could live your entire life, and deal with only one company for every need you have.

Welcome to the world of Philip K. Dick.

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